TEXTOS DE CIRCUNSTÂNCIA – 1A nossa intervenção vai para além de textos mais estruturados, como os que habitualmente são publicados no blog e nos outros sites habituais. Decidimos proceder a esta...
View ArticleIT -- Manlio Dinucci -- L'arte della guerra -- Italia e Ue votano per i...
Scultura, quartier generale delle Nazioni Unite, New York"Scultura raffigurante San Giorgio che uccide il drago, il drago è creato da frammenti di SS-20 sovietici e missili nucleari Pershing USA. "(ONU...
View ArticlePT -- Manlio Dinucci -- A Arte da Guerra -- A Itália e a União Europeia votam...
Escultura, quartel general da ONU, Nova York“Escultura que representa São Jorge a matar o dragão. O dragãoé feito de fragmentos de mísseis soviéticos SS-20 e americanosPershing.” (UN Photo/Milton...
View ArticleU.S. Bases in Okinawa Are a Threat to Freedom
Please republish and share, but only without editing and with credit and link to original included. Thanks!U.S. Bases in Okinawa Are a Threat to...
View ArticleFR -- Manlio Dinucci -- L'Art de la Guerre -- Italie et Ue votent pour les...
Sculpture, siège des Nations Unies à New York“Sculpture représentant Saint Georges terrassant le dragon. Le dragonest créé à partir de fragments de nuclear missiles SS-20 soviétiqueset des Pershing des...
View ArticleTHIERRY MEYSSAN -- Metamorphosis
Metamorphosisby Thierry MeyssanWe are republishing here the editorial from Al-Watan in which Thierry Meyssan presents to his Syrian readers the withdrawal of US troops from their country. This article...
View ArticleTHIERRY MEYSSAN -- The terrible forthcoming destruction of the « Caribbean...
The terrible forthcoming destruction of the « Caribbean Basin »by Thierry MeyssanPresident Trump has announced the withdrawal of US combat troops from the « Greater Middle East », but the Pentagon is...
View ArticleTUR -- Manlio Dinucci -- AB, Avrupa’ya yeni füzelerin yerleştirilmesini onayladı
FRANÇAIS ITALIANO PORTUGUÊSAB, Avrupa’ya yeni füzelerin yerleştirilmesini onayladıyazan Manlio DinucciAvrupa Birliği’ne üye devletler, oybirliğiyle Amerikalı ağabeylerinin askeri stratejisinden yana...
View ArticleRO -- Manlio Dinucci -- «ARTA RAZBOIULUI» -- Italia si Uniunea Europeana...
«Arta RAZBOIULUI»Italia si Uniunea Europeana voteaza în favoarea rachetelor americane în Europade Manlio DinucciFRANÇAIS ITALIANO PORTUGUÊS TÜRKÇE În Palatul de Sticlă al Națiunilor Unite din New...
View ArticleEN -- Manlio Dinucci -- « THE ART OF WAR » -- The EU votes for the...
« THE ART OF WAR »The EU votes for the installation of new US missiles in Europeby Manlio DinucciFRANÇAIS ITALIANO PORTUGUÊS ROMÎNA TÜRKÇE Near the United Nations Glass Palace in New York, there...
View ArticleNL -- Manlio Dinucci -- De kunst van oorlog -- Italië en de EU-stemming voor...
" DE KUNST VAN OORLOG "De EU stemt voor de installatie van nieuwe Amerikaanse raketten in Europadoor: Manlio DinucciENGLISH FRANÇAIS ITALIANO PORTUGUÊS ROMÎNA TÜRKÇE In de buurt van het Glazen Paleis...
View ArticleGordon Duff -- Lobotomized: Secrecy and the “Dis-enlightenment”
Author: Gordon DuffLobotomized: Secrecy and the “Dis-enlightenment”Column: SocietyRegion: USA in the WorldAs we enter 2019, one thing above all others is clear, the mechanisms of human engagement,...
View ArticleDE -- Manlio Dinucci -- Die Kunst des Krieges -- Italien und das EU-Votum für...
Die Kunst des KriegesItalien und das EU-Votum für US-Raketen in EuropaManlio DinucciENGLISH FRANÇAIS ITALIANO NEDERLANDS PORTUGUÊS ROMÎNA TÜRKÇE In der Nähe des Glaspalastes der Vereinten Nationen...
View ArticleCH -- Manlio Dinucci/曼里奥·迪努奇-- 孙子兵法 -- 意大利和欧盟投票支持美国在欧洲的导弹
The Art of War孙子兵法Italy and the EU vote for US missiles in Europe意大利和欧盟投票支持美国在欧洲的导弹Manlio Dinucci曼里奥·迪努奇DEUTSCH ENGLISH FRANÇAIS ITALIANO NEDERLANDS PORTUGUÊS ROMÎNA TÜRKÇENear the United Nations...
PETITION UPDATEI need your help to Reshare, Retweet & promote the Petition & Notice 27 was deliveredPhillip AdamsBrisbane, AustraliaJAN 12, 2019 — Hi All,I hope you are all well.Gather around...
View ArticleSP -- Manlio Dinucci -- ”El Arte de la Guerra” -- La Unión Europea acepta la...
“El Arte de la Guerra”La Unión Europea acepta la instalación de nuevos misiles nucleares estadounidenses en Europapor Manlio DinucciCHINESE DEUTSCH ENGLISH FRANÇAIS ITALIANO NEDERLANDS...
View ArticleHuawei Fires Executive Arrested On Espionage Charges In Poland
Huawei Fires Executive Arrested On Espionage Charges In PolandA spokesman for Poland’s secret services said it has evidence that both men engaged in espionage against Poland January 13, 2019 Tyler...
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