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I need your help to Reshare, Retweet & promote the Petition & Notice 27 was delivered
Phillip Adams
Brisbane, Australia
JAN 12, 2019 — 
Hi All,
I hope you are all well.
Gather around people, we are many, many people now, together on this mission to Free Julian Assange. We are the change agents to right this wrong.
Let us work together to ramp the signature rate right up. Together we are a massive force. To increase the numbers is very very easy if we work together and as a team.
Please reshare and retweet and just push this extremely hard people. What is at stake here not only the life of Julian Assange, but it is our freedom and access to knowledge and facts.
Think of all the great movements of history and what it took back then to change and cause revolutionary change. Now think of what it will take to build his petition to have real power. All it takes is YOU, ME and ALL of US together, literally pressing buttons or touching screens only. How easy is that? No water cannons, no tear gas, no batons. Just a cup of coffee and pressing buttons. Pretty Easy for a Revolution if you ask me. Lol 
Please reshare the petition link and let's get the number increasing at an increasing rate. Use this link to promote http://chng.it/yQpsHnGbJ5 or if you prefer your own personalised link that mentions you to your friends as the promoter then follow these instructions.
How to get the personalised link to promote this petition

If you wish a link for the petition that is specifically your own and refers to your name as promoting it "Help (Your name) Free Assange...", then if already a signatory, go to the petition site and follow the prompts to promote /reshare the petition and click "more options" then click "email" and you will have your own link that will mention you to the people clicking on it  "eg. Help "Phillip" or "Jan" etc. the petition will generate your own personal promotion link, via the "email" reshare/promotion function. that link that is specific to any individual signatory can be pasted into any social media platform or email to be your own name as the promoter of the petition.
To check after you have your own link, go to the petition site via a different web browser (different to the one you signed thru, because the same pathway makes the petition assume an already signed person is returning and will not give you the signing page). To test what your link prompts access the petition site via a different web browser pathway and paste your own link in. By different web browser I mean like GoogleChrome, Mozilla, Vivaldi, Opera, Internet Explorer, Safari, Bing, just different to the one you originally signed through etc . Or use a different device using your own link and you will see how it appears to the people who use your link to sign. Your name will be headlined as a promoter of the, because the petition is everyone's/the people's. It is your petition, it is the people petition.
It really is no difficult to make an even greater difference to this terrible situation. It really is extremely easy and convenient and to be honest to promote this petition for all of us. You all know I have put in 100's of hours into this, I am asking you to pitch in now and seriously pitch in some time and effort. I need more of your great help to free a hero.
Twitter is very effective, Facebook is OK as well. Instagram, and all others. Just expose the petition in different circles. 
By the way I did also Deliver Petition Notice 27, for over 27,000 to the Prime Minister, Foreign Minister and all 226 Parliamentarians that make up the entire Australian Government. I have pasted in the script below.
Love to you All
-----------Script from Notice 27 pasted below this line--------------
Free Julian Assange Petition: Notice 27
Over 27,001 signatures on 11th Jan. 2019
Petition To:    The Hon. Marise Payne, Senator 
                      Minister for Foreign Affairs

Petition To:    The Hon. Scott Morrison, MP
                      Prime Minister of Australia

cc                    All Hon. Senators and MP’s
Dear Ms Marise Payne,                                                        
There is no legitimate basis for the arbitrary detention and or the threat of extradition to the USA for Julian Assange, who is an Australian Citizen and Journalist. The Australian Government must immediately secure his freedom by removing the threat of extradition to the USA on principals that contradict the legal functioning of a free and fair Democracy.
GENEVA (21 December 2018) “UN Office of High Commissioner experts urge UK to honour rights obligations and let Mr. Julian Assange leave Ecuador embassy in London freely”. https://www.ohchr.org/EN/NewsEvents/Pages/DisplayNews.aspx?NewsID=24042&LangID=E
On Dec. 31, 2018, President Trump’s Lawyer, Rudy Giuliani in reference to Julian Assange said;
“It’s a First Amendment issue….Once it gets to the media publication they can publish it, they can publish it for the basis of informing people. You can’t put Assange in a different position, now he was a guy that communicated. We may not like what he communicates but he was a media facility, he was putting that information out, every news station grabbed it and published it….No press person or person disseminating for the purposes of informing did anything wrong.” Source; https://www.facebook.com/foxandfriends/videos/806787466324593/ Watch from 8 min. mark of video.
Find below 19 points that contains additional facts to assist the Australian Government to secure a guarantee of No Extradition to the USA on behalf of over 27,000 signatories and International Law.

1)         Julian Assange is a multi-award winning journalist that has published documented proof of high level crimes & corruption.
2)         Julian Assange is an Australian Citizen and Journalist. He has been honoured by his country's highest award for journalism: The Walkley Award & the rare Gold Peace Medal by the Sydney Peace Foundation.
3)         Julian has now been arbitrarily detained WITHOUT charge by the UK Govt. for 8 years.
4)         In 2012 Ecuador granted Julian political asylum protection from US threats against his life & liberty. US politicians had publicly called for his assassination.
5)         After a 16 month investigation, to which lawyers representing Julian, the UK & Sweden, gave written submissions to a UN expert panel of lawyers where it was determined by the United Nations Human Rights Office of the High Commissioner on Feb 5 2016, that Julian Assange's “Arbitrary Detention should be brought to an end and that Mr. Assange should be afforded the right to compensation”.
6)         The UK has prevented Julian taking up his political asylum by detaining him in the Ecuador Embassy for the past 6.5 years. The UK states they will arrest him if he leaves the Embassy & refuse to guarantee he will not be extradited to the US.
7)         The Wikileaks USA Grand Jury has been sitting since 2010. As Julian is protected under the US #1st Amendment, the US is seeking to prosecute him under the 1917 Espionage Act. He could face 45yrs in prison or the death penalty for publishing facts as a Journalist.
8)         For the past 6.5 years Julian has been detained in the Ecuadorian Embassy and the UK has denied his request for access to fresh air, exercise, sun/vitamin D or proper medical or dental care.
9)         Examining doctor’s report Julian’s health has seriously deteriorated due to this abuse of his health rights and that Embassy detention conditions are life threatening.
10)       The new President of Ecuador, Lenin Moreno, (since Jan 2018), appears to have been influenced by US pressure & is now actively assisting to deliver Julian into US hands.
11)       In March 2018, President Moreno placed Julian in solitary confinement within the Ecuadorean Embassy. He was allowed no access to a phone, internet or visitors other than his lawyers, for most of 2018.
12)       The former President of Ecuador, Rafael Correa, stated that after a visit by US Vice President Mike Pence, an agreement had been made to hand Julian over to the US in exchange for loans. He further stated that as the political cost of expelling Julian from the embassy was too high, the plan was to break him mentally so he would leave.
Moreno then issued a new protocol of rules at the Embassy designed to break Julian.
13)       The Wikileaks Grand Jury indictment is not to be unsealed and executed till the subject is first in custody. “In custody” is assumed to be when the UK Breach of Bail matter will be presented.
14)       There has been no fair & proper legal process to date for Julian Assange, who is the victim of a political persecution.
15)       Top secret documents leaked by Edward Snowden revealed that Julian had been placed on a US manhunting time line in 2010. Further revealing, that on Aug 10 2010, the US National Security Agency secretly asked its war allies to charge Assange with something.
16)       On Aug 20 2010, Swedish police made totally unfounded public rape allegations. These were used to detain Julian without charge for 6 years in the UK before being dropped. There is much evidence of police, prosecutorial & judicial perversion of justice.
17)       Wikileaks Grand Jury is conducted in secret, has 4 prosecutors, no defence and no judge.
18)       UK/US Bilateral Treaty does not require a prima facie case to extradite a citizen to the US.
19)       Under the US National Defence Authorization Act, a person can be held indefinitely without trial.
Julian Assange is an Australian Citizen who has not been charged with any crime and yet has been "arbitrarily” detained for over 8 years and in addition is currently enduring over 280 days of torture in the form of continuous solitary confinement.  He has been deprived of sunlight, contact with family, contact with the outside world and proper healthcare.
We the people, welcome the politicians from across the political spectrums, that have already notified petition administrators of their support. This list of Australian currently seated Parliamentarians will of course be promoted to voters on the Wall of Fame List closer to the election. All the Parliamentarians who remain silent or want Assange extradited to the USA will appear on the Wall of Shame List. These Lists of FAME & SHAME will help the 91% (60 Minute Polling) of Australian voters understand which politician we like to support, because they support law abiding Australians who contribute to the common good. In time, all Parliamentarians should expect a confirmed contact from myself asking where they stand on the question: Free Assange? “YES” = on “WALL of FAME” or those Silent/No position either way/want Julian Extradited to USA for publishing facts “NO” = on  “WALL of SHAME”.
We are peaceful; we are not affiliated with any political party. We are the Citizens, we are legal and we will not permit this Journalist & representations of the Free Press to be silenced or assassinated.
Yours Faithfully,
Phillip Adams
On behalf of over 27,000 Free Julian Assange Petition Signatories http://chng.it/yQpsHnGbJ5
Video by Christine Assange: https://youtu.be/5nxigIRUkcU or Transcript;  https://t.co/XGA12ZvWeg
For more updates and facts visit https://iamwikileaks.org

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