RÉSEAU VOLTAIRE -- Londres acaba de iniciar a sua operação de falsa bandeira...
Londres acaba de iniciar a sua operação de falsa bandeira em IdlebREDE VOLTAIRE | 11 DE SETEMBRO DE 2018 FRANÇAIS TÜRKÇE De acordo com o Ministério da Defesa da Rússia, “uma provocação traiçoeira está...
View ArticleFilming of staged chemical attack in Syrian Idlib begins – Russian MoD
Filming of staged chemical attack in Syrian Idlib begins – Russian MoDSeveral Middle East TV channels and a US news channel have been sent to Jisr al-Shughur in Syria’s Idlib Governorate to produce the...
View ArticleRussia: US Filming Fake Chemical Attack in Idlib
Russia: US Filming Fake Chemical Attack in IdlibReuters News Agency taking part in kidnapping/killing of children, according to sources in SyriaBy VT Senior Editors -September 11, 201881582FILE PHOTO....
View ArticleRussia Calls on OPCW Not To Allow Provocation With Chem Weapons in Idlib - Envoy
LISTEN LIVESEARCHBREAKING: Tokyo: Japan to Continue Talks on Peace Treaty With Russia After Resolution of Four Islands IssueRussia Calls on OPCW Not To Allow Provocation With Chem Weapons in Idlib -...
View ArticleDE -- Manlio Dinucci -- Die Kunst des Krieges -- Die größte US-Waffenkammer...
Die Kunst des Krieges Die größte US-Waffenkammer in Italien Manlio Dinucci Die Liberty Passion lief am 8. August und die Liberty Promise am 2. September im Hafen von Leghorn ein, wo die Liberty Pride...
View ArticleEN -- Manlio Dinucci -- « THE ART OF WAR » -- Largest US weapons store – in...
« THE ART OF WAR »Largest US weapons store – in Italyby Manlio DinucciOn 8 August, the Liberty Passion docked at the port of Livorno, and on 2 September, the Liberty Promise. On 9 October, they will be...
View ArticleRÉSEAU VOLTAIRE -- Pentagon’s former assassin-in-chief, Admiral McRaven resigns
Pentagon’s former assassin-in-chief, Admiral McRaven resignsVOLTAIRE NETWORK | 14 SEPTEMBER 2018 FRANÇAIS ESPAÑOL DEUTSCH ITALIANO Admiral William H. McRaven has handed in his resignation from the...
View ArticleRÉSEAU VOLTAIRE -- L’Allemagne se positionne contre la directive Feltman
L’Allemagne se positionne contre la directive FeltmanRÉSEAU VOLTAIRE | 14 SEPTEMBRE 2018 DEUTSCH Le ministre allemand des Affaires étrangères, Heiko Maas, a annoncé dans un tweet, le 14 septembre 2018,...
View ArticleREDE VOLTAIRE -- Demissão do Almirante McRaven, antigo assassino-mor do...
Demissão do Almirante McRaven, antigo assassino-mor do PentágonoREDE VOLTAIRE | 14 DE SETEMBRO DE 2018 ENGLISH ESPAÑOL DEUTSCH ITALIANO O Almirante William H. McRaven apresentou ao Secretário da...
View ArticlePartitioning of Syria is drawing China into the theater of war (Video)
Partitioning of Syria is drawing China into the theater of war (Video)The Duran – News in Review – Episode 108. September 15, 2018By Alex Christoforou 2,679 ViewsThe law of unintended consequences has...
View ArticleSyria or Southeast Asia – the West Lied, Lies, and Always Will
15.09.2018 Author: Andre VltchekSyria or Southeast Asia – the West Lied, Lies, and Always WillColumn: PoliticsRegion: Southeast AsiaI’m sitting at the splendid building of the Singapore National...
View ArticleRÉSEAU VOLTAIRE -- A Turquia capturou Ayten Öztürk no Líbano
A Turquia capturou Ayten Öztürk no LíbanoREDE VOLTAIRE | 16 DE SETEMBRO DE 2018 FRANÇAIS ESPAÑOL ITALIANO A polícia libanesa prendeu a cidadã turca, Ayten Öztürk, no Aeroporto Internacional Rafic...
NA PRIMEIRA PESSOAParte 3 O Estudante UniversitárioPARTE 4O JOVEM ESPECIALISTADepois de um período de contra-espionagem com alguns membros intransigentes da linha dura, Putin é enviado para o...
DEMONIZATION OF RUSSIA IN A NEW COLD WAR ERAIt is time for political leaders and each individual to move us back from the brink of catastrophe to begin to build relationships with our Russian brothers...
View ArticleIT -- Manlio Dinucci -- L'arte della guerra -- LA NUOVA CORTINA DI FERRO
L’arte della guerra LA NUOVA CORTINA DI FERROManlio DinucciLa Lettonia sta costruendo una recinzione metallica di 90 km, alta 2,5 metri, lungo il confine con la Russia, che sarà ultimata entro l’anno....
View ArticlePT -- Manlio Dinucci -- A Arte da Guerra -- A NOVA CORTINA DE FERRO
A Arte da GuerraA NOVA CORTINA DE FERROManlio DinucciA Letóniaestá a construir uma cerca de e 90 km de comprimento, com 2,5 metros de altura, ao longo da fronteira com a Rússia, que estará concluída...
View ArticleFR -- Manlio Dinucci -- L'Art de la Guerre -- LE NOUVEAU RIDEAU DE FER
L’art de la guerreLE NOUVEAU RIDEAU DE FERManlio Dinucci La Lettonie est en train de construire une enceinte métallique de 90 km, haute de 2,5 mètres, le long de la frontière avec la Russie, qui sera...
View ArticleTHIERRY MEYSSAN -- Les revendications occidentales sur la Syrie
Les revendications occidentales sur la Syriepar Thierry MeyssanAlors que sur le terrain, la guerre se termine et qu’il ne reste qu’Idleb à libérer des terroristes, les Occidentaux repartent en...
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