THIERRY MEYSSAN -- Who wants to relaunch the war in Syria?
Who wants to relaunch the war in Syria?by Thierry MeyssanSeven years after the beginning of the war against Syria, fought by proxy jihadist forces, the partisans of its destruction want to start again....
View ArticleTHIERRY MEYSSAN -- Como é que a Administração da ONU organiza a guerra?
Como é que a Administração da ONU organiza a guerra?por Thierry MeyssanO documento interno das Nações Unidas que acabámos de publicar, atesta que a Administração da Organização está a trabalhar contra...
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Parâmetros e Princípios da assistência das Nações Unidas na Síriapor Jeffrey D. FeltmanREDE VOLTAIRE | NEW YORK (USA) | 3 DE SETEMBRO DE 2018ESPAÑOL РУССКИЙ FRANÇAIS ENGLISHA existência deste...
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Die Kunst des Krieges Ein souveränes Italien ohne SouveränitätManlio Dinucci Der politisch-mediale Wirbel, der durch den Konflikt zwischen "Europäisten" und "Souveränisten" ausgelöst wurde, überdeckt...
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L’opposition armée syrienne appelle Moscou et Ankara à bombarder IdlebRÉSEAU VOLTAIRE | 4 SEPTEMBRE 2018 ESPAÑOL Fuad Elîko, porte-parole de « Coalition nationale des forces de l’opposition et de la...
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Washington’s Belligerence Can Produce A World HolocaustSeptember 4, 2018 Washington’s Belligerence Can Produce A World HolocaustPaul Craig RobertsRecently I have been receiving a number of requests for...
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A oposição armada síria apela a Moscovo e a Ancara para bombardearem IdlebREDE VOLTAIRE | 4 DE SETEMBRO DE 2018ESPAÑOL FRANÇAISFuad Elîko, porta-voz da «Coligação Nacional das Forças da Oposição e da...
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What Should Putin Do?September 4, 2018 What Should Putin Do?Paul Craig RobertsAndrei Martyanov has answered my question...
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Israël revendique plus de 200 agressions contre la Syrie en 18 moisRÉSEAU VOLTAIRE | 5 SEPTEMBRE 2018 Intervenant à la conférence anti-terroriste d’Herzliya, le 4 septembre 2018, le ministre israélien...
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LISTEN LIVESEARCHWashington Uses the Dollar When It Wants to Punish a Country – Lavrov© Sputnik / Vladimir TrefilovWORLD11:23 05.09.2018Get short URL2192It seems that dumping the US dollar remains one...
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05.09.2018 Author: Gordon DuffArmageddon in IdlibColumn: PoliticsRegion: Middle EastCountry: SyriaA showdown between the US and Russia is coming over Syria. Our sources inside Syria tell us that Russia...
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View ArticlePT -- Manlio Dinucci -- A Arte da Guerra -- Em Itália, o maior barril de...
A Arte da GuerraEm Itália, o maior barril de pólvora USAManlio DinucciNo dia 8 de Agosto de 2018 fez escala no porto de Livorno,o navio Liberty Passion (Paixão pela Liberdade) e no dia 2 de Setembro, o...
View ArticleIT -- Manlio Dinucci -- L'arte della guerra -- In Italia la più grande...
L’arte della guerraIn Italia la più grande polveriera USAManlio DinucciL’8 agosto ha fatto scalo nel porto di Livorno la Liberty Passion (Passione per la Libertà) e il 2 settembre la (Promessa di...
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« L’ART DE LA GUERRE »En Italie, la plus grande poudrière USpar Manlio DinucciA l’issue de la Seconde Guerre mondiale, les troupes alliées occupèrent le continent européen. Si la France et la Russie...
View ArticleThierry Meyssan -- Who wants to relaunch the war in Syria? by Thierry Meyssan
Who wants to relaunch the war in Syria?by Thierry MeyssanSeven years after the beginning of the war against Syria, fought by proxy jihadist forces, the partisans of its destruction want to start again....
View ArticleTHIERRY MEYSSAN -- Finding a way out of the war against Syria
Finding a way out of the war against Syriaby Thierry MeyssanThe White House is unable to extricate itself from the war in Syria. President Trump is hindered both by the self-proclaimed « stable state »...
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