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Steve Pieczenik's Announcement: The Clinton Pedophilia Connection


Steve Pieczenik's Announcement: The Clinton Pedophilia Connection
Published on 01/11/2016

I've just talked to you about theongoing coup, and counter coup that is beinginitiated by the Clintons on the onehand, and counter coup by the FBI, the NewYork Police Department and otherbranches of our intelligence community.
The important part to remember is also that not all the information has come out with regards to Weiner, and his sexing to a fifteen-year-old North Carolina teenager. The real issue underlying a lot of Bill Clinton's nefarious activities as well as Hillary Clinton sexual activities is the fact that we know, that both of them have been a major part and participant of what is called the ‘Lolita Express’, which is a plane owned by Mr. Jeff Epstein, a wealthy man multi-millionaire who flies down to the Bahamas and allows Bill Clinton and Hillary to engage in sex with minors. That is called pedophilia and as a result of the excellent work that the New York Police Department does in tracking pedophiles.
They also have a record of both Hillary, Bill and other people associated with the Clintons with regard to pedophilia, so not only will she be charged with obstruction of justice, with lying to a prosecutor in the FBI, she will also be charged with pedophilia, sex with minors in other [inaudible] issues Bill might be brought up again uncertain charges, because those charges still relate to American crime and prosecutorial issues but I do want to inform you, that we are well aware in the intelligence community, their activities that hasn't stopped and we're not talking about one trip to the Bahamas,  we're talking about a multiple of 20 or 30 trips that Bill and Hillary did take separately and together too  on the ‘Lolita Express’, to engage in sexual activities with minors.
I hope you continue to listen to what we have to say this is Dr. Stephen Pieczenik and I will keep on informing you as to what is happening in this second American Revolution, that we are witnessing in 2016

Thank You Mr. and Mrs. America.

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