The Hillary Clinton Takeover of the United States
Published on 01/11/2016
Hillary and Bill Clinton are attempting a takeover of the United States and will stop at nothing. A coup d'état of this magnitude has never been affected in such a subtly calculated way.
“On November 1, 2016, Hillary and Bill Clinton and their entourage of assistants effected a civilian coup. In contrast to the usual concept of a coup, where the military’s involved and takes over the White House and communication centers, very much like the scenarios you see in a movie, this coup was done silently and very effectively through two methods: corruption and co-optation.
“The Clintons have been involved in co-opting our White House, our Judiciary, our CIA, our Federal Bureau of Investigation, our Attorney General, Loretta Lynch and our Director of the FBI, James Comey for some time now.
“What they’ve done is to make sure that they were part and parcel of a group of people who were interrelated through political cronyism. However, in order to stop this coup, we in the intelligence community and others involved have informally gotten together and with their permission, I am beginning to announce that we’ve initiated a counter-coup through Julian Assange and WikiLeaks.
“What has happened, in effect, when Comey had to open up the case of Hillary Clinton and discuss the emails that were involved with the Anthony Weiner case, it was not the case, itself that was as important as the fact that this was the entrée for many of us in the counter-coup to say to the Administration, “We have your number. Not only do we have your number, we’re going to stop you from making Hillary the President of the United States – and at the same time, we will in convict and indict the President of the United States, Loretta Lynch and many others who are involved in the cover-up of the massive corruption that occurred under the Clinton Foundation.”
“Now, in both cases, their coup was silent and our counter-coup was silent and it was all a transpired or occurred on the internet and this is probably the first time in the history of any country where a coup was initiated through the internet and a counter-coup was initiated through the Internet.
“I am just a small part of something far bigger than myself. It was the brave men and women who are in the FBI, the CIA the Director of Intelligence, the military intelligence and men and women in 15 other intelligence organizations who are sick and tired of seeing this corruption in the White House and the Justice Department and the intelligence system and we decided that there was something we had to, do in order to save the Republic.
“So we initiated a counter-coup through Julian Assange, who has been very brave and really quite formidable, in his ability to come forth and provide all the necessary emails that we gave to him in order to undermine Hillary and Bill Clinton.
“Again, America we’re going through a major, major transition and quite frankly – a Second American Revolution. We do not have guns, we do not have weapons, we do not intend to kill anybody, we do not intend to harm anybody but we, the American public and those of us who serve as veterans and in intelligence service, like myself will stop the Clintons from assuming power that they don’t deserve.
“At the same time, we will make certain that Obama leaves, without any trail of a pardon or any other act of treason. In effect, we want a peaceful transition in this great American Republic.
“I bring you this news and I want you to understand what has happened. A moment of history is occurring right now in front of us and I’m proud to explain it to you.”
In the next video post made by Dr. Pieczenik, he gets into some of the shockingly horrible revelations about both Bill and Hillary’s involvement in a pedophile sex ring, along with convicted pedophile, Jeffrey Epstein, in whose private plane, the “Lolita Express” the Clintons both separately and together on between 20-30 occasions visited a private island in the Bahamas where young girls were prostituted to them and to other powerful people from around the world, including Prince Andrew, the Duke of York, son of Queen Elizabeth II.