PT -- Manlio Dinucci -- A Arte da Guerra -- Além de bombas, mísseis nucleares...
Reunião dos Ministros da Defesa , no Quartel General da NATO,em Bruxelas: a 3 e 4 de Outubro de 2018A Arte da GuerraAlém de bombas, mísseis nucleares USA em Itália?Manlio DinucciFRANÇAIS ITALIANO A...
View ArticleFR -- Manlio Dinucci -- L’art de la guerre -- En plus des bombes des missiles...
L’art de la guerreEn plus des bombes des missiles nucléaires USA en Italie ?Manlio Dinucci ITALIANO PORTUGUÊS La B61-12, la nouvelle bombe nucléaire USA qui remplace la B-61 déployée en Italie et...
View ArticleDE -- Das Recht auf Gegendarstellung durch die lettische Regierung
Das Recht auf Gegendarstellung durch die lettische RegierungNach der Veröffentlichung des Artikels von Manlio Dinucci "Der neue Eiserne Vorhang " am 18. September 2018 richtete die lettische Regierung...
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Ron Unz Explains that the Jews Control Us by Controlling the ExplanationsOctober 16, 2018 The Anti-Defamation League is “the formidable organization of Jewish cowboys who ride herd on their American...
View ArticleSP -- Manlio Dinucci -- El Arte de la Guerra -- Además de las bombas,...
«EL ARTE DE LA GUERRA»Además de las bombas, ¿también tendremos misiles nucleares estadounidenses en Italia?Manlio Dinucci FRANÇAIS ITALIANO PORTUGUÊSLa bomba B61-12, el nuevo artefacto nuclear...
View ArticleEN -- Manlio Dinucci -- The Art of War -- US nuclear missiles in Italy, as...
Meeting of the Ministers of Defence at NATO Headquarters in Brussels: 3-4 October 2018« THE ART OF WAR »US nuclear missiles in Italy, as well as their bombs?by Manlio Dinucci ESPAÑOL FRANÇAIS ITALIANO...
View ArticleMeeting of the Valdai International Discussion Club
Meeting of the Valdai International Discussion ClubVladimir Putin took part in the plenary session of the 15th anniversary meeting of the Valdai International Discussion Club.October 18,...
View ArticleDE -- Manlio Dinucci -- “DIE KUNST DES KRIEGES” -- US-Atomraketen und ihre...
Meeting of the Ministers of Defence at NATO Headquarters in Brussels: 3-4 October 2018“DIE KUNST DES KRIEGES”US-Atomraketen und ihre Bomben in Italien?von Manlio DinucciENGLISH ESPAÑOL FRANÇAIS...
View ArticleJOHN W. WHITEHEAD -- You Want to Make America Great Again? Start by Making...
OCTOBER 18, 2018You Want to Make America Great Again? Start by Making America Free Againby JOHN W. WHITEHEAD“If the freedom of speech be taken away, then dumb and silent we may be led, like sheep to...
View ArticleMeeting of the Valdai International Discussion Club
Meeting of the Valdai International Discussion ClubVladimir Putin took part in the plenary session of the 15th anniversary meeting of the Valdai International Discussion Club.October 18,...
View ArticleWhy It’s Time to End Factory Farming written by Jacy Reese
Why It’s Time to End Factory Farmingwritten by Jacy ReeseEzra Klein and Sam Harris are usually intellectual adversaries. They butted headsearlier this year on the topic of the science of IQ, which was...
View ArticleIT -- Manlio Dinucci -- Tridente NATO da Napoli al Nord Atlantico
L’arte della guerraTridente NATO da Napoli al Nord AtlanticoManlio DinucciMarines USA, sbarcati da convertiplani ed elicotteri della nave da assalto anfibio Iwo Jima, hanno «messo in sicurezza»...
View ArticleIT -- Manlio Dinucci -- L'Arte della Guerra -- SI PREPARA IL RITORNO DEGLI...
L’arte della guerraSi prepara il ritorno degli euromissili Manlio DinucciL’annuncio che «Trump rottama lo storico trattato nucleare con Mosca» – il Trattato sulle Forze Nucleari Intermedie (INF) – non...
View ArticlePT -- Manlio Dinucci -- A Arte da Guerra -- TRIDENT NATO, DE NÁPOLES ATÉ AO...
A Arte da GuerraTrident NATO, de Nápoles até ao Atlântico NorteManlio DinucciFuzileiros navais americanos, desembarcados de ‘tiltrotors’ e de helicópteros do navio de assalto anfíbio, Iwo Jima,...
View ArticlePT -- Manlio Dinucci -- A arte da Guerra -- EM PREPARAÇÃO, O REGRESSO DOS...
L’arte della guerraSi prepara il ritorno degli euromissili Manlio DinucciL’annuncio che «Trump rottama lo storico trattato nucleare con Mosca» – il Trattato sulle Forze Nucleari Intermedie (INF) – non...
View ArticleFR -- Manlio Dinucci -- L'Art de la Guerre -- TRIDENT NATO DE NAPLES À...
L’art de la guerreTrident OTAN/NATO de Naples à l’Atlantique NordManlio DinucciITALIAN PORTUGUÊSDes marines USA, débarqués de convertibles et hélicoptères du navire d’assaut amphibie Iwo Jima, ont “mis...
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Meeting with Assistantto the US President for National Security Affairs John BoltonVladimir Putin received in the Kremlin Assistant to the President of the United States of America for National...
View ArticleTwo Stories from the Propaganda War
Two Stories from the Propaganda WarThe media has been silent about Maria Butina because the case against her is falling apart. October 26, 2018By Philip GiraldiAuthored by Philip Giraldi via The...
View ArticleEN -- Manlio Dinucci -- The Art of War -- THE MEGA WAR GAME "Trident Juncture...
"THE ART OF WAR"The mega war game "Trident Juncture 2018"by Manlio DinucciDEUTSCH ESPAÑOL FRANÇAIS ITALIANO ROMÎNA PORTUGUÊS TÜRKÇE US Marines disembarked from 'Tiltrotors' and helicopters from the...
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