FR -- Manlio Dinucci -- L’Art de la Guerre -- L’establishment USA derrière le...
L’art de la guerreL’establishment USA derrière le Sommet de HelsinkiManlio Dinucci“Nous avons à discuter sur tout, du commerce au militaire, aux missiles, au nucléaire, à la Chine” : ainsi a commencé...
View ArticleFULL TRANSCRIPT -- News conference following talks between the presidents of...
News conference following talks between the presidents of Russia and the United StatesVladimir Putin and Donald Trump made press statements and answered journalists’ questions.July 16,...
View ArticleTRANSCRIPT -- Interview to Fox News Channel
Interview to Fox News ChannelVladimir Putin answered questions from Fox News Sunday host Chris Wallace in an interview recorded in Helsinki, Finland, on July 16.July 17, 201802:00Helsinki1 of...
View ArticleDE -- Manlio Dinucci -- Die Kunst des Krieges -- Das US-Establishment hinter...
Die Kunst des KriegesDas US-Establishment hinter dem Gipfel von Helsinki Manlio Dinucci "Wir haben Diskussionen über alles, vom Handel bis zum Militär, von Raketen, über Atomtechnik bis hin zu China"...
View ArticleEN -- Manlio Dinucci -- The Art of War -- The US establishment behind the...
« THE ART OF WAR »The US establishment behind the Helsinki Summitby Manlio Dinucci« We need to talk about everything, from commerce to the military, missiles, nuclear, and China » - this was how...
View ArticleC.J. HOPKINS -- Trump’s Treasonous Traitor Summit
Trump’s Treasonous Traitor Summitor, How Liberals Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the New McCarthyismC.J. HOPKINS • JULY 18, 2018Photo by | CC BY 2.0So it appears America and democracy...
View ArticleISRAEL SHAMIR -- The Untouchable Mr. Browder?
The Untouchable Mr. Browder?The Browder affair is a heady upper-class Jewish cocktail of money, spies, politicians and international crime.ISRAEL SHAMIR • JUNE 20, 2016William F. Browder, Chief...
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En Europe, c'est l'été, par Israël Adam ShamirPublié le 17/08/2015En Europe c’est l’étéPar Israël Adam ShamirL’été règne sur toute l’Europe, de la Grèce jusqu’à la Suède. Les vacances ont vidé les...
View ArticleRÉSEAU VOLTAIRE -- La Maison-Blanche rejette la proposition russe de...
La Maison-Blanche rejette la proposition russe de commission rogatoire croiséeRÉSEAU VOLTAIRE | 20 JUILLET 2018 ESPAÑOL DEUTSCH ITALIANO Lors du sommet d’Helsinki, le président russe Vladimir...
View ArticleEcuador Will Imminently Withdraw Asylum for Julian Assange and Hand Him Over...
Ecuador Will Imminently Withdraw Asylum for Julian Assange and Hand Him Over to the UK. What Comes Next?Glenn GreenwaldJuly 21 2018, 5:17 p.m.Photo: Niklas Halle'n/AFP/Getty ImagesECUADOR’S PRESIDENT...
View ArticleGrandmaster Putin’s Trap
Grandmaster Putin’s TrapWritten by ORIENTAL REVIEW on 25/12/2014Accusations of the West towards Putin are traditionally based on the fact that he worked in the KGB. And therefore he is a cruel and...
View ArticleIT -- Manlio Dinucci -- L'arte della guerra -- La risposta bellica alla...
L’arte della guerraLa risposta bellica alla trattativa Manlio Dinucci«Voi avete attaccato la nostra democrazia. A noi non interessano le vostre smentite da giocatori d’azzardo incalliti. Se insisterete...
View ArticlePT -- Manlio Dinucci -- A Arte da Guerra -- A resposta agressiva às negociações
A Arte da GuerraA resposta agressiva às negociaçõesManlio Dinucci“Vocês atacaram a nossa democracia. Para nós, não interessa os vossos desmentidos de habilidosos inveterados. Se insistirem nesse...
View ArticleFR -- Manlio Dinucci -- L’Art de la Guerre -- La réponse guerrière à la...
L’art de la guerreLa réponse guerrière à la négociationManlio Dinucci“Vous avez attaqué notre démocratie. Vos dénégations de joueurs de hasard invétérés ne nous intéressent pas. Si vous insistez dans...
View ArticleРУССКИЙ -- Воинственная реакция на переговоры Maнлиё Динуччи
Искусство ведения войныВоинственная реакция на переговорыMaнлиё Динуччи«Вы напали на нашу демократию. Мы не заинтересованы в ваших опровержениях закоренелых игроков и любителей риска. Если вы будете...
View ArticleTHIERRY MEYSSAN -- Les non-dits des accusations anglo-saxonnes contre la Russie
Les non-dits des accusations anglo-saxonnes contre la Russiepar Thierry MeyssanLa Russie de Vladimir Poutine est-elle un Far West où le Pouvoir peut dépouiller un milliardaire de sa fortune, comme au...
View ArticleEXTREMELY IMPORTANT ARTICLE -- The All-Pervasive Military/Security Complex
The All-Pervasive Military/Security ComplexJuly 24, 2018 The All-Pervasive Military/Security ComplexThe article below by Professor Joan Roelofs is reproduced with permission from CounterPunch.The...
View ArticleCH -- Manlio Dinucci曼利奥·迪努奇 -- L'arte della guerra 战争的艺术-- The war response...
The Art of War 战争的艺术The war response to the negotiation战争是为谈判而服务的Manlio Dinucci曼利奥·迪努奇 "You attacked our democracy. We don’t care about your denials just like degenerate gamblers. If you take this...
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