RÉSEAU VOLTAIRE -- How CIA Spies Access India’s Biometric Aadhaar Database
How CIA Spies Access India’s Biometric Aadhaar Databaseby Shelley KasliThe Indian Supreme Court has just recognized the constitutional inviolability of the right to privacy. It will have to decide soon...
View ArticleRÉSEAU VOLTAIRE -- The Myth Of The Moderate Kurdish Rebel by Sarah Abed
PART 3 OF 3The Myth Of The Moderate Kurdish Rebelby Sarah AbedIn this third and final part of her inquiry into the claim to create a Kurdish state outside the historic Kurdish territories and to the...
View ArticleDiplomat says Russia offered US various ways out of situation with...
Diplomat says Russia offered US various ways out of situation with anti-Russian sanctionsRussian Politics & DiplomacyAugust 31, 17:23UTC+3There were a few rounds of corresponding expert talks on...
View ArticleLawrence Wittner -- Why Is There So Little Protest Against Recent Threats Of...
Lawrence Wittner, ContributorProfessor of History emeritus, SUNY/AlbanyWhy Is There So Little Protest Against Recent Threats Of Nuclear War?Our tempered response to this looming catastrophe is deeply...
View ArticleRussia announces Syrian terrorists plan chemical false flag on day UN slams...
Russia announces Syrian terrorists plan chemical false flag on day UN slams US for killing Syrian civiliansMaria Zakharova delivered the announce. She correctly predicted such a false flag attack in...
View ArticleMoti Nissani -- The Mystery of the 14 Dead Russian Officials: November...
The Mystery of the 14 Dead Russian Officials: November 2015-August 2017By Moti Nissani on August 30, 2017Curious patterns present perplexing questionsIn the past 22 months, at least 14 Russian...
View ArticleBR -- "A Arte da Guerra"– Grandes manobras ao redor da Venezuela -- video
Publicado a 30/08/2017Na série "A Arte da Guerra", cujos vídeos são publicados por Pandora TV, Manlio Dinucci,geógrafo, escritor e jornalista especialista em geopolítica, em seu último editorial,...
View ArticleIT-- L'arte della guerra - grandi manovre attorno al Venezuela - VIDEO
L'arte della guerra - grandi manovre attorno al VenezuelaManlio Dinucci, geografo, scrittore e giornalista specializzato in geopolitica, nella sua ultima edizione, analizza la situazione attuale nella...
View ArticleVLADIMIR PUTIN -- BRICS: Towards New Horizons of Strategic Partnership
BRICS:Towards New Horizons of Strategic PartnershipVladimir Putin’s article BRICS: Towards New Horizons of Strategic Partnership was published ahead of the BRICS Summit, which will be held in Xiamen,...
View ArticleUS security services to search US security services to search Russian...
US security services to search Russian consulate in San Francisco on Saturday –MoscowPublished time: 1 Sep, 2017 18:47Edited time: 1 Sep, 2017 20:18Get short URL© Justin Sullivan / Getty ImagesRussia's...
View ArticleADAM GARRIE -- Terrorism, kidnappings, assassinations and ethnic cleansing...
Terrorism, kidnappings, assassinations and ethnic cleansing are everyday events in post-coup UkraineThe bleak state of post-coup Ukraine offers little but war, terrorism, lawlessness and extreme...
View ArticlePutin's Warning To The World North Korea "On The Verge Of A Large-Scale...
Putin's Warning To The World North Korea "On The Verge Of A Large-Scale Conflict"By Tyler DurdenSeptember 02, 2017 "Information Clearing House" - As tensions between the US, its regional allies and...
View ArticleFinian Cunningham -- Korea Crisis Exposes Orwellian West
Korea Crisis Exposes Orwellian WestBy Finian CunninghamSeptember 02, 2017 "Information Clearing House" - The Western media would have us believe that North Korea and its nuclear arsenal is the world’s...
View ArticleChinese President Xi promotes ‘BRICS Plus’ in keynote address (FULL VIDEO)
Chinese President Xi promotes ‘BRICS Plus’ in keynote address (FULL VIDEO)Xi Jinping promotes an idea of a far-reaching BRICS that looks beyond existing member states.by ADAM GARRIESeptember 3, 2017,...
View ArticleTHE DURAN -- News and smart analysis on everything you need to know
Updates fromThe DuranNews and smart analysis on everything you need to know http://theduran.com/category/latest/In the 09/04/2017 edition:• Julian Assange says Trump will be“deposed...
View ArticleTribute to the Russian soldiers in Syria!The Sun rose over Syria again!Evil...
Tribute to the Russian soldiers in Syria!The Sun rose over Syria again!Evil destroyed!
View ArticleManlio Dinucci --Il Grande e Sporco Gioco Atomico
Il Grande e Sporco Gioco AtomicoManlio DinucciCorea del Nord. Mentre Pyongyang viene denunciata come unica fonte di minaccia, una ristretta cerchia di Stati mantiene l’oligopolio delle armi nucleari:...
View ArticlePT -- Manlio Dinucci -- O Grande e Sujo Jogo Atómico
O Grande e Sujo Jogo AtómicoManlio DinucciCoreia do Norte-- Nessa situação em que um pequeno círculo de Estados mantém o oligopólio das armas nucleares, onde aqueles que as possuem, ameaçam os que não...
View ArticleManlio Dinucci -- L’Arte della Guerra -- L’Hub Nato che spia il Sud
L’Arte della GuerraL’Hub Nato che spia ilSudManlio DinucciTaglio del nastro il 5 settembre a Lago Patria (Napoli), dove ha sede il Comando della forza congiunta Nato (Jfc Naples): nel suo quartier...
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