January 13, 2016 | Categories: Guest Contributions | Tags: | Print This Article
US Government Drives Toward War With Russia
The arrogant stupidity of the US government is driving the West into war with Russia.
NATO members are enabling the drive toward war, and some of the more stupid ones such as Poland are egging on the momentum toward war.
Russia is building up its forces in response to NATO’s buildup on Russia’s borders. On January 3rd, 2016, the commander of Russian Airborne Troops, Colonel-General Vladimir Shamanov, said that the airborne divisions will be strenthened with six tank divisions, as well as unmanned aerial vehicles and two divisions of electronic warfare.
The superior capability of Russian conventional forces means that once Washington starts the war, Washington will be forced into the use of nuclear weapons in order to avoid defeat.
The crazed American government is bringing the world to its end.
Russia Is Preparing a Military Response to the Expansion of NATO
Russia Is Preparing a Military Response to the Expansion of NATO
Translated by Ollie Richardson for Fort Russ
12th January, 2016
In response to the creation of the mobile forces of NATO, Russia can dispatch heavy military equipment in a Western direction.
The beginning of 2016 marked a new escalation in military tensions near the borders of Russia. Yesterday in Lithuania, as part of operation "Atlantic Resolve", alongside the standard armaments, the main part of the American battalion of NATO troops from the 2nd cavalry regiment of the US army, stationed in Germany, arrived. The Northern Atlantic Alliance does not hide the fact that the military presence in the Baltic states will grow.
Yesterday the Minister of Defense of Poland Antoni Macierewicz, on the Polish radio station 'Maryja', once again expressed the hope that in the near future at the NATO summit in Warsaw will overcome the "German veto" on the formation throughout the country of permanent military bases of the Alliance.
In response, Russia continues to improve its forces, using the elements of hybrid war. Moscow is worried about the bellicose attitude of Poland. This country has already approached NATO with a request to place nuclear weapons on its territory. According to the Deputy Minister of Defence of Poland, Tomasz Siemoniak, the Alliance has a program in which NATO members can have nuclear weapons in the country-ally. This is highly likely, and not only in Poland or Lithuania, but also in other countries of Eastern Europe. This unequivocally was made clear recently by the Supreme commander of the allied NATO forces, General of the U.S. air force, Philip Breedlove. He said that, in regards to Russia, it is time for "tough measures". Rigidity must manifest itself in the sending of American troops to Europe and "high-quality" training of the armed forces of the United States for a possible fight with a "former enemy in the cold war".