JCPOA implementation expected at weekend: Iran

We are almost at the finish line
… from Press TV, Tehran

Iran made concessions no other country has done
[ Editor’s Note: We have been on pins and needles waiting for some kind of a false flag event to be pinned on Iran to hold up implementation of the P5+1 agreement with Iran.
The suspects of course would be Israel, an independent NeoCon operation with its retired military brass network, and then Saudi Arabia which dreads losing its Iran bogeyman to justify its iron hand rule over its people.
Also, with less press coverage on the phony Iran nuclear threat the Saudis know there will be more time to publish their ongoing support of terrorism in the region as a proxy destabilizing force in conjunction with Turkey, Israel and several NATO and Gulf countries.
Once the ink is dry verifying Iran has fully complied, then the sanctions removal will become a bureaucratic process without anymore political hurdles, theoretically. What really counts is if all the foreign investment and trade deals with Iran that have been agreed to can be signed. That is the big prize where the dagger will start going into the hearts of all the scamsters that put us all through this fear porn charade for a long long time.
But it will by no means be over. It will be our turn to go back through the evolution of the scam to extract as much punishment as we can for all of those involved to establish some kind of risk factor deterrent for those thinking of just starting up a new one as there is no demonstrated downside risk... Jim W. Dean ]


– First published … January 13, 2016 –
A senior Iranian official says implementation day for Tehran’s historic nuclear deal with six world powers will not go beyond this weekend.
“The affairs are under way at a high pace and the latest details are being finalized today or tomorrow and it (implementation) will not be later than Saturday or Sunday,” Iran’s deputy foreign minister, Abbas Araqchi, who was also a top nuclear negotiator at talks with the P5+1 group of countries, said Wednesday.
He said that Iran’s Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif and EU Foreign Policy Chief Federica Mogherini are expected to issue a joint statement on the implementation of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), reached between Tehran and the P5+1 group in mid-July last year.

The IAEA never found any diversion of nuclear material or proof of any weapons program
The P5+1 comprises the United States, Britain, France, China, and Russia plus Germany. Under the JCPOA, limits are put on Iran’s nuclear activities in exchange for, among other things, the removal of all nuclear-related economic and financial bans against the Islamic Republic.
Araqchi, who heads Iranian Foreign Ministry’s committee following up on the implementation of JCPOA, further said that the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA|) is expected to issue its “final” report on Iran’s fulfillment of its commitments under the JCPOA by Friday.
The IAEA’s Board of Governors passed a resolution last December, which brought an end to a 12-year investigation into the past and present outstanding issues regarding Iran’s nuclear program. Following the vote, the IAEA chief, Yukiya Amano, told reporters that Iran has been implementing restrictions on its nuclear activities at “high speed.”
Meanwhile, expert-level talks are currently underway in Vienna between representative of Iran and the P5+1. Hamid Ba’eidinejad, the director general for political and international security affairs at Iran’s Foreign Ministry, heads the Iranian delegation to the talks. Foreign ministers of Iran and the six powers are likely to meet next week.