The Real Islamic Threat to America and Europe
Southfront gets it very right
With the Arab Spring and the New Cold War, the current neocon fantasies that have taken residence in Washington circles, the Pentagon and public restrooms where American policy is formulated, the utter stupidity of the “players” who think they run America has become apparent.
We aren’t talking about Congress, maybe McCain and Graham because of their partnership with organized crime, but few others. Even Biden missed this, but the Southfront video this week, warning of Turkey and the new Ottoman Empire, is totally on the money.
Netanyahu saw it, that’s why he is cozying up to VT, Russia and China. He underestimated Erdogan, not Erdogan’s grasp or his intelligence but his insanity, which exceeds even Netanyahu’s.
Take this for granted, the United States is run by people no sane child would have played with, no parent would allow their children to be around, the kind of people who, when they leave a psychiatrists office, there are eyes rolling and head shaking.
Let me be clear about one thing, religious people are all deeply flawed, not just the evangelical types who want to burn down the world, not just Wahhabist/Salafists, their “brothers in arms” along with Talmudic Jews…not just them.
Let’s face it, there are ten times as many atheists in the West as are admitted to but for a third of the planet, believing in science and rationality can get you stoned to death. We call that Islam. Among the bright spots, Syria, Turkey (as it was, not as we fear it is becoming) and few others are the least bit free.
Let’s talk “Turkey” a bit. Before the rise of Islam, let’s say round 700, across Africa, into Spain, stopped in France (Battle of Tours/Pontiers 732ce), right to the gates of Vienna, the Eastern Roman Empire, Christian since 315ce, was the most powerful force in the West. It was centered around Turkey and had a vast and powerful infrastructure. Please remember that the entire Middle East was Christian at a time when Rome was smoking ruins with a few thousand ghoulish inhabitants.
The great Christian cities of the world weren’t Rome and Paris, they were Cairo, Damascus, Constantinople, Aleppo and Alexandria and, to a much lesser extent, Jerusalem. Islam inherited an area with centralized and hierarchical monotheistic religious traditions, well established bureaucracy and extensive technology.
When Europe was in ruins, the East was still a functioning Roman Empire. One might also note that Christianity entered Europe, not through Rome but from Ireland, then through Scotland, where the first Abbeys there spread onto the continent, even into Italy and Rome itself, the real roots of Western Christianity were unrelated to Rome in any way. They had no beginnings there, none in Italy, none in France, a very different world that what most are taught.
The Austro-Hungarians used Prague as a capitol into the 1700s, leaving Vienna behind its original Roman walls. As the Seljuc’s conquered Anatolia, and a combination of Saracens and Crusaders took the remains of the Eastern Roman Empire down, with the Fall of Constantinople (1453ce), what was Islam became “Ottoman Turk,” a corrupt centralized bureaucracy run by Jews thrown out of Spain and invited in, but also defended by elite Jannisaries, Christian boys kidnapped from the Balkans who made up the Sultan’s guard, the best fighters of the empire.
And with this all, came fear and hatred, wars with Britain and France, the Ottomans aligning with Germany and the Austro-Hungarian Empire during the first war and the Empire disintegrating, reborn as modern Turkey. Ottoman traditions are far from extremist or radical, quite the opposite.
Today, the weakness of Western Europe is obvious, moral decay, xenophobia, perhaps justified, and the increasing reality that the European Union is far from either the original concept of the Common Market or even Napoleon’s united Europe.
The EU is a puppet state of the central banks who have grasped onto the concept of NATO as the visible military hand while surrogate forces, ISIS, Boko Harum and others, the Ukraine for instance, and her tired and pitiful armed forces, instigate needed global disorder.
The wildcard here is Turkey, seeing how lame the banksters and black nobility are in their schemes. Our thanks to Southfront. Once again independent media, funded by readers, beats the phone mainstream media to the punch.