Matt Drudge Visits the Alex Jones Show: Full Interview
The Attack on the Alt Media
Alexandra Bruce
October 12, 2015
If anyone thought that I was exaggerating or being melodramatic about the assault currently underway against the Alternative Media, I think I can rest my case, now that Matt Drudge made a surprise "appearance" on Alex Jones' Infowars, to announce that, with the direction in which the laws are headed, that he, too; the most established and arguably the most successful news aggregator in the history of the Internet is finding himself in peril of going out of business, in the imminent future.
Alexandra Bruce
October 12, 2015
If anyone thought that I was exaggerating or being melodramatic about the assault currently underway against the Alternative Media, I think I can rest my case, now that Matt Drudge made a surprise "appearance" on Alex Jones' Infowars, to announce that, with the direction in which the laws are headed, that he, too; the most established and arguably the most successful news aggregator in the history of the Internet is finding himself in peril of going out of business, in the imminent future.
This would be unless, by sheer miracle, the US public is awakened from their trance and stands up against the draconian measures snaking their way through the legislative process, including CISPA - previously defeated by mass Internet activism in 2013 but now sneaking its way back - plus, the final ratifications needed in each "member" country, to push through and finalize the most blatantly Fascist "accord" to have ever been snuck past the legislatures of 12 sovereign countries, to say nothing of being passed behind the backs of the peoples "represented" by the 12-nation Trans-Pacific Partnership, aka TPP.
It's true that Drudge has also done nothing with his site and its ancient platform to adapt to the ever-shifting landscape of the Internet - but luckily for him, he's got a few million dollars saved up and can walk away from the fray without worrying about retirement.
Not so, for the generations of independent publishers, who come after him, to say nothing of all lovers of a free Internet - who must mobilize, if we want to keep it that way.
In the meantime, I'm going into retail!
Who knows? This development that I've been forced into might turn out to be in the best interest of all concerned. (This is, of course the hope!)
FKTV is getting very close to moving over to the new site - maybe we'll even start, as soon as later this week!
Here's the startling transcript of some statements made by Matt Drudge, on the set of Alex Jones' show:
"I had a Supreme Court Justice tell me it's over for me," said Drudge. "They've got the votes now to enforce copyright law. 'You're out of there. They're going to make it so you can't even use headlines.'"
This would put one of the world's most successful, influential and longest-running news aggregators/curators out of business.
Drudge notes that the Supreme Court Justice told him, "It's over, they've got the votes, which means time is limited," he added, noting that *a day was coming when simply operating an independent website could be outlawed.*
"That will end (it) for me - fine - I've had a hell of a run," said Drudge, who's been publishing for just shy of 20 years.
Drudge added that that web users were being pushed into the cyber "ghettos" of Twitter, Facebook and Instagram.
"This is ghetto, this is corporate, they're taking your energy and you're getting nothing in return - nothing!"