Exposed, the American ISIS Nexus
The USG's illegal, unConstitutional creation and use of Terrorism is now becoming fully exposed thanks to some very timely, crafty and wise geopolitical moves by Vladimir Putin in the Mideast.
by Preston James
Sadly, in the World of secret Intelligence, governments often use covert operations to do their dirty work which is not only illegal and disgusting beyond words, but actually constitutes acts of war and crimes against humanity.
Yes, these covert operations are usually abject crimes against humanity and often involve Gladio-style false-flag terror attacks, including mass-murder and acts of blatant destruction against innocents and their property.
These covert operations, often called “black ops” by Intel insiders because they are done in secret and by using evil assets of the criminal underworld, the truly dark side of humanity.
The folks that create and deploy such evil, anti-human acts of false-flag and/or Gladio-style terror are two-faced beyond imagination, and show no evidence of even having souls or being human. They are the bottom feeders of society and have sold their souls for power, wealth and fame. They are NOT the kind of folks you would bring home to dinner or have anything to do with if you could see their true inner self and what they did to get in their high positions of power.
When one questions these folks about their motives the typical response is that we live in a desperate world and “the ends we must have to protect national security requires and justifies the necessary means used”. Intel folks who question this privately to their superiors usually get the pep talk, “you are a big boy (or big girl) now and this is just the way things are done and have been done like this for many years. We can’t change the system, we have to work within it”.
All secrecy is now ending and this itself is creating massive EXPOSURE for the USG’s dirty deeds of secret terror and black ops used to engineer and justify illegal, unConstitutional foreign wars of aggression.
Because these soulless slime invoke so-called “national security” to keep their evil dark deeds of fomenting synthetic terror in abject secrecy, they have historically been protected from public exposure. That is until now.
Of course all these US covert operations are done to increase the power and reach of the USG and those who have hijacked it. And they are done to serve as an excuse for more taxation from the US taxpayers, more spending to defense industry cronies which provides kickback, perks and often “set-aside allocations” in offshore numbered accounts, and to serve as secret justifications for geopolitical maneuvering and engineered, staged wars of aggression which yield vast war profist for many of the entities involved.
But as many political analysts understand, these preparations and provocations that “justify” all these illegal foreign wars which have been completely unConstitutional, unprovoked, undeclared and unwinnable do yield vast profits. They also yield increased power for centralized governments like the USA, the UK, Israel, and Saudi Arabia who finance these enterprises and participate in the creation and training of Terrorist groups. These Terrorist Groups are known for their brutality against civilians and anyone who gets in their way.
The covert engineering and use of synthetic Terror has allowed the RKM and its cutouts like the USG to create these engineered, staged wars to earn huge war profits for the RKM Banksters and allow cheap acquisition of natural resources for those large international corporations that control the USG, folks they are creating these wars for.
This whole reality is of course one of the deepest secrets of the USG and the entities that hijacked it in 1913, the RKM City of London private FIAT Banksters. By taking over the US monetary production and distribution system with absolutely no accountability or any checks and balances from We The People, the RKM Banksters have been able to asset strip We The People and drag us into their illegal, unConstitutional wars since 1917, using these mind-kontrolled Americans as their cannon fodder.
Yes, Americans have been deeply mind-kontrolled by the CMMMwhich is owned by six Media Moguls who answer to a large investment corporation with foreign ties.
The CMMM has been functioning as an illegal News Monopoly, an actual New Cartel. It is able to quash truth and keep a steady stream of Big USG Lies, false-narratives and USG propaganda dispensed to the American masses. And it has been able to do an incredibly effective job keeping the truth from the American masses and even much of the World.
The CMMM’s major victory so far has been creating justification in the minds of American families that it is a great and noble thing for them to offer up their children to “serve” in the US Military. Sadly this too often results in their children dying horrible violent deaths or being seriously wounded and disabled in these illegal, unConstitutional foreign wars fought for the RKM Banksters and their cutouts and assets to make big war profits and acquire even more power.
No government using covert agencies, cutouts or mercenaries ever wants this exposed to the World at large. Therefore deniability is always a top concern for any government when they use these criminal acts.
But now as a result of some of the most brilliant geopolitical maneuvering in history, Russian Federation President Vladimir Putin has created a complete checkmate in Syria. This checkmate has completely exposed USA, the CIA, Israel, Saudi Arabia and Turkey for creating, training, financing and supporting ISIS, ISIL, Daesh, Al Qaeda and the rest of these Mideast Terrorist groups.
Not only is this remarkably embarrassing, this complete exposure has been followed by USG admissions that admit that ISIS et all was a creation of the USG, has caused much of the rest of the World to turn against the USG and to see America as an aggressor nation that uses and foments World Terrorism.
Not only is the use of Terrorism a violation of US Law, the US Constitution and various International laws and the Geneva Convention, but is is an anathema to everything America is supposed to stand for.
But it gets even worse. Not only has the USG used criminal factions in Intel and the Military to foment World Terrorism, especially in the Mideast and in NYC and DC on 9-1-01, but has worked very hard using its Controlled Major Mass Media (CMMM) to wrongfully project blame on Two Mideast nations.
The USG wanted to attacks these two nations Afghanistan and Iraq on behalf of the RKM Banksters and used these CMMM provided false narratives, big USG lies and propaganda to justify the completely illegal, unConstitutional invasion and destruction of Afghanistan and Iraq.
US Military and Intel do not allow any public dissent while working in these entities. We do know for certain that there has been a great deal of dissent since folks like Alan Sabrosky, PH.D. and Steve Pieczenik, MD, PH.D. went public and informed many in the US Military High Command and Intel that a criminal faction in the US Administration, Militarily and Intel used Israel to attack America on 9-11-01.
In fact never in American history has there been so much dissent within the US Military High Command and American Intel as now over these newly uncovered and admitted US covert operations that have not only gone bad but become completely exposed.
Folks in the US High Command and Intel cannot actively dissent, the system is too tightly wound to allow that. Instead they have been leaking information like crazy and this has been published and broadcast not only in the alternative media of the Worldwide Internet, but has even been driven into mainstream network news, a real first. But also, numerous retired spooks are now openly speaking out against these USG Intel crimes which suggest that a major power shift inside the US Military High Command and Intel is now underway.
And actual evidence of this is the fact that so far the US Military has not been fully deployed in a major air and ground war against Syria or Iran as the RKM and Israel so desperately want. Instead, the various criminal elements in CIA and the US Military have continued to use mind-kontrolled mercenaries and CIA air assets to commit their acts of war and crimes against humanity.
US Military guards Afghan Opium production and gets caught.
And thanks to “rebel at heart” Geraldo Rivera who was able to covertly slip a major news story through the cracks of the CMMM that the US Military was protecting the Afghan Opium crop. We now know for certain that the US Military has been harvesting it and trafficking it into America using remote controlled global hawks and using this black money for their Mideast black ops.
It was never the Taliban who executed folks fro growing poppies, it was always the CIA and their US Military assets that guarded it, harvested it and trafficked it for more huge amounts of black ops money, And folks wonder why the supply of heroin inside America and so many other nations is now abundant and even cheaper.
When Israel attacked America on 9-11-01 to serve as a means to activate their Greater Israel Plan, they were going for broke, creating a New Pearl harbor, but they never expected to get exposed. But thanks to great American Heroes like Alan Sabrosky, PH.D. and Steve Pieczenik, MD, Ph.D., they have been exposed for 9-11-01 and this was the crack that has broken their dyke of denial and lies about 9-11-01.
The truth about who did 9-11-01 and why is now spreading in many foreign nations.
In fact there are now beginning to be stories in the foreign press about how 9-11-01 was done by the Israelis with help from PNACers, top NeoCons inside America. This is a sign that such knowledge is now going to spread to mainstream America, to We The People.
And it is now generally recognized that the CMMM is losing readers and viewers by the day while the alternative media on the Internet is growing. The Internet has turned out to be the New Gutenberg Press of the World and is truly revolutionary.
Rest assured the new, strong faction of up and comers in the US High Military Command knows that Israel and stateside Traitors and Cutouts did the attack on America on 9-11-01 and has been the sinister force that has manipulated the USG into supporting Terrorism to create a synthetic provocation to attack and destroy Afghanistan and Iraq.
Secretly created synthetic terrorism, Gladio-style has been a way of life for the RKM Banksters and their cutouts and hijacked governments like the USG. But now they have become completely exposed and this news is spreading across America and the World by the day.
For many years the USG has worked with other governments as partners in crime to create, train and support World Terrorism, especially in the Mideast. Starting major wars is very hard work and takes years of preparation and costs many billions of dollars.
And now, thanks to the efforts of President Vladimir Putin, statesman extraordinaire, the criminal RKM terror machine which uses the USG and American Intel to do its disgusting dirty work has now been completely checkmated and exposed in Syria. Stay tyuned because this exosure can not be quashed and will only increase.
Russia has even asked the US Coalition which is supposedly fighting ISIS (but has had no success at all) if it wants to share it ISIS targets, but so far no response.
Is the RKM along with its cronies, cutouts and assets in the USG desperate enough to do everything they can to start a nuclear WW3, or are they limited to just crashing out the World’s economic and financial systems, something Russia and China have been preparing for for some years now? we shall see as the situation that is in major flux unwinds.
* RKM is an abbreviation to represent the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia, a term coined by VT Financial Editor Mike Harris whose VT radio show is on Tuesdays and Thursdays 7-9 PM CST. Mike Harris started using this descriptive term Rothschild Khazarian Mafia after extensively researching the true but hidden history of the nation of Khazaria and its connection to Rothschild World Zionism now centered in the City of London. The RKM operates out of the City of London, a separate nation inside the UK which has its own police force and diplomats and pays no taxes to the UK government, like the Vatican. The RKM has deeply infiltrated America and hijacked its manufacturing and distribution of money and most of its institutions of government, uses the US Military to fight its proxy wars for massive profits and uses its Intel agencies to traffick in illegal narcotics, also for massive profits.
The modern state of Israel was a creation of the RKM as a safe-haven and action-agent for World Zionism and serves as its main Cutout along with America and most European nations, many of which are now attempting to separate themselves the the RKM Worldwide web of debt and deceit. The private American Federal Reserve System, is a franchisee of the City of London RKM Banksters and is their main source of World money power using the US Petro Dollar as the World’s Reserve Currency.
Much of the World is now organizing and forming coalitions to form major firewalls against this US Petro Dollar hegemony and are well on their way to weakening it and eliminating it as the World’s Reserve Currency. Right now Russia and President Putin are spearheading a major checkmate against the World Hegemony of the RKM.
The USG and its propaganda arm has been crying wolf about the horrors of international Terrorism for many years now, even before their 9-11-01 attack on America.
It was their covert Terror attack on America on 9-11-01 which supercharged their efforts and duped the American people into fighting two major wars for Israel that were completely illegal and unConstitutional and constitute the most serious war crimes.
Yes the USG and the Israelis have been sounding the alarm of the extreme dangers of Terrorism for many years. And they should know they have served as Cutouts for the RKM Banksters and created, financed and supplied Terrorist groups ever since WW2. Now the World and all Americans are beginning to know that the USG, Israel are Cutouts for the RKM Banksters and are the biggest Terrorists in the World. How’s this for the greatest hypocrisy in history?
Horror of horrors, they are now being COMPLETELY EXPOSED due to their own malfeasance, carelessness and extreme hubris and the capability of the alternative press and the Worldwide Internet to communicate this far and wide. Their evil is so extreme it is hard to fathom or even imagine. However, despite this difficulty for the average American to comprehend that the entity they thought which was supposed to be their benevolent parent figure, the USG, is actually their worst nightmare and has been working hard to steal all their hard earned income and to use them and their children as cannon fodder in Israel’s wars.