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Paul Craig Roberts -- Goon Thug Murderer Uses VirTra Systems To Train Cops How To Murder

Goon Thug Murderer Uses VirTra Systems To Train Cops How To Murder

Goon Thug Murderer Uses VirTra Systems To Train Cops How To Murder

The training works by jolting cops with painful electrical shocks when they hesitate to shoot.
The justification for inculcating trigger-happiness is that the alternative is the “dire consequence” that the hesitation required for the cop to comprehend the situation could result in the cop’s death. The training assumes that there is no “dire consequence” to the cop murdering an unarmed innocent citizen.

Ex-cop with 6 kill notches teaches police how to shoot or be killed

Published time: 28 Aug, 2015 10:38

© www.virtra.com
© www.virtra.com

A former Arizona police officer, who killed six people during his 12-year career before it ended after the latest shooting, is now selling firearm training simulators that jolt people who hesitate to shoot.

James Peters, former police officer with the Scottsdale PD, applied for “accidental disability retirement” in 2012 after he shot a 50-year-old man in the head with a rifle. The deceased, John Loxas, who was holding his baby grandson in his arms at that moment, had a record of threatening neighbors with firearms.

Peters reported seeing a black object in Loxas’ trouser pocket, believing it to be a handgun. It was actually a phone, but Peters learned that only after killing the man in what he called an action necessary to protect the baby.

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