by Stephen Lendman
August 23, 2015
Obama’s war on Donbass using Ukrainian army foot soldiers, paramilitaries, foreign mercenaries, Nazi-infested death squads and others never stopped since initiated in April 2014.
Kiev flagrantly violated Geneva and two Minsk ceasefire agreements straightaway. Obama wants endless war. So do US-installed fascists violating human and civil rights brazenly, terrorizing Ukrainians opposing their ruthless rule.
At an August 22 military ceremony in Chuguev, near Donbass, illegitimate oligarch president Petro Poroshenko boasted about using Minsk II to rearm and increase Ukraine’s military ranks to much greater size than last year - despite a bankrupt economy near collapse, using borrowed funds desperately needed for vital services going begging. More on this below.
Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR) military spokesman Eduard Basurin said Kiev’s armed forces in Southeastern Ukraine total 90,000. Their weapons include 450 tanks, 203 salvo artillery units, and five Tochka-U missile systems.
“A total of five separate mechanized brigades, two separate tanks brigades, and air mobile brigade, an artillery brigade, and a salvo system brigade have been deployed…to Mariupol,” he explained.
“All in all, this grouping has 22,500 men and officers, more than 130 tanks, more than 560 armored cars, fifty-five salvo artillery units, about 200 artillery guns and mortars, and about 720 antitank weapons.”
DPR’s Defense Ministry intelligence shows heavy troop and weapons concentrations deployed near Donetsk. More military force was sent to the Debatsevo sector and near Lugansk. Reserves back up front line strength.
Basurin said Kiev plans escalated war on Donbass. “Information has been received about the plan of forthcoming actions by the Ukrainian army from a source in the Ukrainian General Staff and, no matter how strange this may seem, there are still true officers there who do not want to fight against their own people,” he explained.
Escalated offensive operations can begin anytime, he believes - including shelling DPR positions and “deliver(ing) two converging blows in the direction of the settlement of Uspenka to defeat the DPR and advance to the border with Russia and subsequently prevent civilians from reaching the Russian territory.”
“Along with this, two groupings (of Kiev’s forces) are intending to launch an offensive in the Donetsk direction north and south of Donetsk towards Ilovaisk, close the circle around the republic’s capital and encircle the city” - plus separate attacks on Lugansk.
Kiev hopes its blitzkrieg will defeat Donbass freedom fighters and destroy DPR and LPR democracies.
Basurin reminded Ukrainian general staff “wise guys” that earlier “Napoleon plans” were soundly defeated - resulting in thousands of dead and wounded Kiev forces.
Donbass freedom fighters are prepared to defeat Kiev aggression like before, Basurin stresses. In the past year, they transformed themselves from militia strength to a well-equipped, capable, defensive standing army.
Poroshenko barely stopped short of admitting planned escalated Kiev aggression on Donbass, as well as perhaps declaring war on Russia (rhetorically only), saying:
“The Minsk agreement despite all criticism has given us time to build up Ukraine’s defense. It allowed us to partially bridge the gap in military capacity we have against Russia. The times of air-headed pacifism and shortsighted rejection of security issues are forever in the past now,” he said.
Fact: Ukraine has no enemies except ones it invents - complicit with Washington.
Fact: Its military is solely for offense, belligerence, premeditated aggressive war, not defense.
Fact: Only a lunatic would attack Russia.
Fact: Kiev fascists rejected “pacifism” since seizing power. Its police state policies wage war on its entire population. Maidan 2.0 is just a matter of time - likely much more violent than last year, perhaps making things worse than already.
Poroshenko rants often about nonexistent “Russian aggression” - fabricating claims about its forces invading Ukraine, ludicrously saying its war on Donbass is to prevent a greater Russian invasion of Europe.
“The military threat from the east is a prospect for decades to come,” he ranted. “This threat will not pass anytime soon and every new generation has to have army training” - practically a declaration of permanent war on his own people, with full US support and encouragement.
He sounds daft. He has no credibility whatever. It’s hard imagining anyone takes him seriously. Ordinary Ukrainians increasingly despise him - as well as fascist rule harming their safety, well-being and futures.
He nonsensically claims Ukraine isn’t “safe from a rapid escalation of military action, which is becoming more probable due to the celebration of Independence Day” on August 24.
Is he planning to use the occasion to launch all-out war on Donbass? Is Sunday the eve of full-scale aggression - or perhaps later this week?
Sergey Lavrov said he’s “concerned about (Poroshenko) stirring up Russophobia in the West and drawing attention away from his inability to deliver on the promises he signed up to.”
He absurdly claims Moscow intends attacking Finland and Baltic states. He’s proliferated numerous Big Lies since taking office last year - an illegitimate rogue leader threatening to embroil central Europe and beyond in conflict, supported by his US paymaster and key arms supplier, one of many dirty secrets Washington wants suppressed.
Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago. He can be reached at
His new book as editor and contributor is titled "Flashpoint in Ukraine: US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III."
Visit his blog site at
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