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Sahra Wagenknecht/Jean-Luc Melenchon: Europe is dismembering (EN/IT/PT)

Resultado de imagem para pictures of Sahra Wagenknecht/Jean-Luc Mélenchon at Die Link

Sahra Wagenknecht: Europe is dismembering (EN/IT/PT)

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Sahra Wagenknecht: Then I wonder where the Schultz' Europe lead us Merkel, Macron and others.
We can see it in figures. Jean-Luc has already mentioned some of them.One figure has already been published.
 In Europe, the distribution of dividends is mounting to 323 bilions of euro. It is an amount as we have never seen before.
323 bilion euro had gone to stockholders in individual European countries, and, simultaneously, we have a situation
where poverty in Europe is at an all-time high, where so many young people are facing a life that offers them no chances...
where education is being economized to the point where it no longer functions, where public institutions are decaying,
where hospitals are completely under-equipped, where countries are pressured  to privatize and cut back on social benefits, and the dividends are bubbling more than ever before."
I think this shows that this Europe is not a Europe that supports the continuity of its people.”
It is a Europe that is dismembering itself.That there is aspirations and nationalist tendencies
in so may countries, that is a result of these politics. This is what they are doing with their politics.

Jean-Luc Melenchon: We now hear from all the parts of Europe, that we have to step up military cooperation,
and increase our spending on the sector that we have to install missile and anti-missile systems,
At the beginning they said that it was against Iran, and now we understand it is against Russia.
No. Russia is not an enemy. Russia is a partner.
Russia is a partner.Russia is not an enemy.Russia is a partner.
No to war. No to armament. No to NATO. No compromise on war and peace.
No to Europe of defence.
Because we do not know whom we defend ourselves from.
We do not know whom they want to attack.

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