Nato suspends its operations in Syria
On 15 February, the Alliance’s Ministers of Defense assembled at the Nato headquarters in Brussels, in the presence of General James Mattis, Secretary of Defence in the Trump administration.At this meeting the ministers decided to establish a South Hub and gave it the mandate of controlling Africa and the Middle East. It was also resolved to suspend spying flights in Syria.Right from the start of the war launched by Washington, London and Paris against Syria, Nato has been responsible for the surveillance of the battlefield through its AWACS and its members’ satellites. The intelligence gathered was immediately filtered and some was transmitted to jihadist groups, thus allowing them escape the Syrian Arab Army.On withdrawing its AWACS, the Organization made it clear that it is not taking a position in the conflict, which currently pits against one and other the Kurds, among others.Translation
Anoosha Boralessa
On 15 February, the Alliance’s Ministers of Defense assembled at the Nato headquarters in Brussels, in the presence of General James Mattis, Secretary of Defence in the Trump administration.
At this meeting the ministers decided to establish a South Hub and gave it the mandate of controlling Africa and the Middle East. It was also resolved to suspend spying flights in Syria.
Right from the start of the war launched by Washington, London and Paris against Syria, Nato has been responsible for the surveillance of the battlefield through its AWACS and its members’ satellites. The intelligence gathered was immediately filtered and some was transmitted to jihadist groups, thus allowing them escape the Syrian Arab Army.
On withdrawing its AWACS, the Organization made it clear that it is not taking a position in the conflict, which currently pits against one and other the Kurds, among others.
Anoosha Boralessa
Anoosha Boralessa
L’Otan suspend ses opérations en Syrie
Les ministres de la Défense de l’Alliance se sont réunis le 15 février 2017 au siège de l’Organisation à Bruxelles, en présence du général James Mattis, secrétaire à la Défense de l’administration Trump.
Les ministres ont décidé à la fois la création d’un pôle Sud chargé de contrôler l’Afrique et le Moyen-Orient et la suspension des vols de renseignement en Syrie.
Depuis le début de la guerre initiée par Washington, Londres et Paris contre la Syrie, en 2011, l’Otan assure la surveillance du champ de bataille au moyen de ses AWACS et des satellites de ses membres. Ces informations sont aussitôt triées et certaines d’entre elles sont transmises aux groupes jihadistes qui peuvent ainsi échapper à l’Armée arabe syrienne.
En retirant ses AWACS, l’Organisation entendrait ne pas prendre position dans le conflit qui oppose actuellement les kurdes entre eux.