Podesta & Clinton against Flynn

John Podesta’s and Hillary Clinton’s friends are trying to stir up yet another problem around General Michael Flynn. He is President elect Donald Trump’s, National Security Advisor.
They have pointed out that his son, Michael Flynn Jr, who also collaborates with him, posted a reference on his twitter account to our article «General Flynn’s Proposals to Reform Intelligence», published by the journal Contralínea (Mexico). In it, Thierry Meyssan announces that the National Security Adviser aims to abolish the position of Director of National Intelligence created by President George Bush. Now, Donald Trump has just enabled this function by his appointment of the former senator, Dan Coats. At the same time, Hillary Clinton’s team intends to exploit the dissatisfaction of General Flynn by creating problems in the new administration and sidelining Michael Flynn Jr. [1].
It is also probable that a collateral aim of this controversy is to detract from [two serious issues]: [first,] the role so-called “Intelligence” played during the Bush and Obama administrations; and [second], General Flynn’s proposals for reform.
The authors of this campaign rank the Voltaire Network as “pro-Putin”, which seems to be an insult on their part.
In seeking out ways to whip up panic among their citizens, they do not seem to have read a prior article on General Flynn which appeared in the editorial of Al-Watan (Syria), « Michael T. Flynn and Islam ».
On John Podesta and Hillary Clinton, read: “E-mails - Hillary Clinton and the Muslim Brotherhood”, by Thierry Meyssan, Translation Pete Kimberley, Voltaire Network, 1 November 2016.
Anoosha Boralessa
Anoosha Boralessa
[1] “Disturbing report on Trump’s national security adviser emerges on pro-Putin website Gen. Flynn’s son suspected as source”, Aaron Rupar, Think Progress (Center for American Progress), January 17, 2017 .