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Condolences over the death of Prince Dimitri Romanov


Condolences over the death of Prince Dimitri Romanov

Vladimir Putin expressed his deep condolences over the death of Prince Dimitri Romanov.

January 2, 2017

Vladimir Putin with Prince and Princess Dimitri of Russia.jpg

In a message to Princess Theodora Romanov, the President noted that Dimitri Romanov was a true patriot of Russia:

“Dimitri Romanov headed the Romanov Family Association, and throughout his life he maintained an unbreakable spiritual bond with his Fatherland, making a major contribution to promoting, across the world, the history and culture of Russia, as well as the legacy and traditions of the Imperial Royal House of Russia.

He expressed his love for Russia and its people by proactively engaging in charitable and philanthropic activities, and through efforts aimed at promoting international humanitarian cooperation. The charity foundation of the Romanov family was generous in helping orphans, people with disabilities and veterans.

Russia is proud of our remarkable compatriot. All who knew and cared for Dimitri Romanov will always cherish the memory of this remarkable person.”

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