Russia Insider Tanks… as Gordon Duff predicted
A Story Of Betrayal
In February, Senior Editor of Veterans Today Gordon Duff exposedRussia Insider as a counterfeit stealth website.
As I said once before, I do not always agree with Gordon. This was one time I did not agree with him, but I shelved the information… in case. Turns out, he was right.
I have known Saker since early 2014, since before the rumblings of Maidan turned into a coup and a devastating civil war. Both Saker and I were some of the first people who supported Russia Insider when it started. There has been so little honest coverage of the devastation in Donbass that I was relieved to see more Independent Media coming on board. Other than Jim Dean and Gordon Duff on Veterans Today, few Independent Western Media media outlets were prepared to cover the genocide that has been exacted by Kiev against the people of Donetsk and Luhansk.
This week Saker wrote what is, quite frankly, a heart breaking editorial. One of betrayal and dismay. I feel much the same way. I will quote these brief extracts:
It is with great sadness that I have to address the crisis at Russia Insider. I am heartbroken at seeing people whom I consider as respected friends now in an open conflict. I have waited as long as I could before addressing this issue because I wanted to speak to all the parties involved and ask for the opinion and assessment of a few trusted friends. However, since I have been a strong supporter of Russia Insider from Day 1 I cannot remain silent any longer…
…while it is absolutely evident that Peter Lavelle and a few others have raised the alarm because they felt that people have been mislead and lied to, and that the public needed to be warned, I have come to the conclusion that some individuals are trying to personally benefit from the possible collapse of Russia Insider and that they have put a great deal of effort into fanning the flames of this conflict. There are folks out there who want to take Russia Insider down and create conflicts between former friends. I don’t want our community to inadvertently assist these individuals.
Everyone involved in Independent Media should be hypertensive to covert infiltration and subversive tactics. One of the things I have always admired about Saker is that he is a man of integrity, trust and honesty. He is also a practicing Orthodox Christian and takes his faith seriously. He actually practices it on many levels. His editorial was more than polite out of respect for some of the friends he has at Russia Insider, and let me stress, who have also been lied to and betrayed.
Gordon Duff’s analysis, on the other hand, showed something far worse, something that I did not want to hear only three months ago and instead lived in hope that he was wrong.
You can read the full article HERE.
These are the highlights:
We work with a Russian group that does quality research and video work. Today they sent me an email asking me why a pro-Russian group called “Russia Insider” was publishing wild and inaccurate propaganda against both Russia and Syria.
We had looked at this organization when it began, it was a stealth website intended to buy into the alternative media market using “counterfeit currency, ripped off and borrowed analysis, bad writing and activist sounding “soft soap.”
They were another in a long line of vehicles, most online but not all, intended to resemble journals or think tanks or, for the worst of them, cutting edge analysis and even conspiracy theory.
All have the same thing in common, a return to zero degrees magnetic north, no matter which way then seem to go, when they are needed or tasked, the handlers and the talking points return them to the Israel lobby and Kagan family neocon program.
Stratfor is one of these, as is the Institute for the Study of War. There are more, so many more.
Look at every name involved and follow them to where they publish, who their associates are and, of course, how they really make a living, since selling self-published books won’t pay rent in a trailer park.
What would I do? I don’t listen to anyone. If the weather says rain, I go outside and check. If you allow people into your life, to direct your energies, play on your fears, you are already a slave.
I would like to say something here to Gordon Duff’s detractors who send me copious emails denouncing him.
a) I do not always agree with Gordon. Sometimes I am right and sometimes I am wrong. In this instance I was dead wrong when I disagreed with Gordon.
b) I trust Gordon more than anyone else in Independent Media. Ok? So put that in your pipe and smoke it!
c) In 2014, I sifted a lot of people out. The war in Eastern Ukraine was the measuring rod. Those who went out of their way to expose it for what it was, versus those who didn’t. Many did not make the grade.
d) I am honoured to work with these guys. A punk from the bottom of Africa trying to make sense of the world. And I end up on Veterans Today. I am blessed.
e) Gordon and I will still have our private bun fights, and they are private. On certain issues we will still agree to disagree.
Lastly my heart goes out to all those who put their faith in Russia Insider, including those who worked for them and invested in their site and were betrayed.