by Stephen Lendman
ISIS recruits were taught use of chemical weapons and other death squad tactics by CIA operatives in Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Jordan.
They’re likely able to produce CWs on their own, used as terror weapons in or near areas they control.
Saturday’s attack killed a three-year-old girl, injured 600 others in Taza, near Kirkuk in northern Iraq.
A local official said there’s “fear and panic among the women and children. They’re calling for the government to save them.”
A local nurse said victims suffer from infected burns, suffocation and dehydration. ISIS is known to use toxic sarin, mustard gas and chlorine.
A previous article discussed US/Turkish/Saudi-backed ISIS and other terrorist groups use of sarin, other toxic agents and yellow phosphorus able to burn flesh to the bone like napalm on contact with air.
Saudi Arabia and Turkey were earlier caught red-handed supplying chemical weapons to regional terrorist groups.
Syria entirely destroyed its arsenal under Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) supervision.
ISIS and other terrorist groups have access to toxic agents, able to use them freely against targets of choice.
Earlier attacks were wrongfully blamed on Assad, despite no credible evidence suggesting his involvement, plenty indicting ISIS and other terrorist groups, directly aided by Washington, Saudi Arabia, Turkey and perhaps Israel.
The latest attack suggests more to come in Iraq, Syria and elsewhere regionally, endless violence in a part of the world devastated by Washington’s rage to dominate.
The late US General William Odom (1932 - 2008) once called Bush’s Iraq war “the greatest strategic disaster in US history” - compounded by Obama’s Libyan, Syrian, and Yemeni wars, along with continued aggression on Afghanistan and Iraq, an endless cycle of violence and chaos, making world peace and stability impossible.
Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago. He can be reached at
His new book as editor and contributor is titled "Flashpoint in Ukraine: US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III."
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